Category: August 2024

We had an amazing turn out for our annual charity event at Avoncroft Arts centre on 27th July, sending a huge THANK YOU  to ALL THE PARTICIPANTS, CAKE MAKERS and KITCHEN HELPERS!

Total standing at £1,003. 45p !!!!! £250 of this amount will go to the BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION.

It was wonderful to have with us KELLY TURNER from the BASEMENT PROJECT, she explained where the money raised goes and what the charity does across Worcestershire; since changing to raise money for them over the last 3 years we have raised enough to pay for 66 individual counselling sessions, supporting young people in crisis.

This is what it means to practise YOGA IN COMMUNITY!! The energy from our collective groups is far reaching and powerful, I am grateful to each and every person who continues to support me on a daily basis through attending classes/ workshops and retreats.

Our work continues, there is much to do! As we ourselves go deeper in to our practise, we have the opportunity to see how far reaching this energy really is.