Category: Savitri News

After a welcome winter break we are back to full classes this week, Saturday and Monday drop in at Burcot Village Hall.

Tuesday intermediate Hatha yoga at 10am meditation at 630pm and Menopause Support at 7.30pm.

Online zoom class on Wednesdays at 7.30pm .

Brand new bi-weekly Pranayama and meditation classes on Thursday 7-8pm and monthly mantra resumes on February 7! Get back to your practice,raise your energy levels and find your way back to a joyful state of balance and harmony!

For those who would like to explore deeper aspects of their practice the new Thursday session is designed to go beyond posture and into the realms of Yogic philosophy, we take this further on our retreat weekends,

The 2025 retreat is 24-26 May.

After many years of teaching ante natal yoga classes, I am stepping back from this role, creating space to bring some new sessions in, my oldest yoga babies are now 18!!

It has been a huge privilege to share with so many women on their journeys to Motherhood, knowing that yoga was their support through pregnancy, birth and beyond, forming support networks for each other.

I am excited to share that the beautiful will be taking over this class. She is a highly qualified experienced community midwife, with a deep interest in supporting women emotionally, physically and spiritually on their birthing journey.

You will be in very safe hands!!

She will be running her class from the Savitriyoga ashram studio in Bromsgrove.

First class is January 8 2025, 7-8.30pm.

Congratulations Jess, you will be amazing!!

The final gathering of the year will on Friday 20th December 6.30-8pm for the Solstice Mantra.
Booking essential for this popular group.
We will be chanting,singing and calling in the light of the New Year!

The final class of the year is Saturday 21st December at Burcot, which will be an hour of yoga followed by coffee and mince pies.
Christmas dressing up essential!

We had an amazing turn out for our annual charity event at Avoncroft Arts centre on 27th July, sending a huge THANK YOU  to ALL THE PARTICIPANTS, CAKE MAKERS and KITCHEN HELPERS!

Total standing at £1,003. 45p !!!!! £250 of this amount will go to the BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION.

It was wonderful to have with us KELLY TURNER from the BASEMENT PROJECT, she explained where the money raised goes and what the charity does across Worcestershire; since changing to raise money for them over the last 3 years we have raised enough to pay for 66 individual counselling sessions, supporting young people in crisis.

This is what it means to practise YOGA IN COMMUNITY!! The energy from our collective groups is far reaching and powerful, I am grateful to each and every person who continues to support me on a daily basis through attending classes/ workshops and retreats.

Our work continues, there is much to do! As we ourselves go deeper in to our practise, we have the opportunity to see how far reaching this energy really is.


I will be offering a session entitled YOGA FOR PEACE, as we come together to create harmony and connection through our yoga, mantra and meditation.

Everyone welcome, suitable for ALL LEVELS AND COMPLETE BEGINNERS. It will be an hour and a half of yoga followed by tea, cakes, chat and a coming together of likeminded souls. Reconnect to old friends, make some new ones, share in karma yoga practise of selfless giving, creating UNITY AND PEACE.

If you cannot attend but wish to donate here is the link to the fundraising page, everything donated goes directly to the Basement Project. I will be making a cash donation also to Briths Heart foundation.

Workshop, Sunday 11th August, 2024

Sunday 11th August, 2024
Come and join myself and Monica Douglas, founder/creator of Wise Wisdom Oracle for a day of celebration, ceremony and self discovery.

During this day we will look at how to break free from limitations, to find confidence to express yourself fully.

Learning how to step into your most authentic self.

We will use yoga, Pranayama, rituals, ceremony and discussion on this day, to share together in joyful practice.

Time : 10.30-3.30
Savitriyoga, Shanti House
1st Floor, 17-21 Worcester road, Bromsgrove. B61 7DL

Early Bird £50( before 23 June)
Regular price £60
£20 deposit secures a place

Shanti House is our collective name, we are coming together to create a space to work which is supportive and community focused.

Savitriyoga is situated within Shanti House, I have a timetable of regular classes as well as one off workshops throughout the year. The emphasis is always about connection and rediscovery of the self; through yoga philosophy, mantra, meditation, Pranayama and posture work.

It is really exciting to have my own space again and to invite everyone to share with me!

We have just held our annual retreat at Poulstone in beautiful Herefordshire countryside, the weather was magnificent and warm, we were able to be outside for some of our sessions. The theme of our retreat this year was Energy, Transformation and the mantra Om; looking at how energy supports us; how we can bring more energy in; how we connect to the continuous flow of energy that surrounds and nourishes us.

We looked at many different techniques to explore  the feelings  of nourishment, how to feel the power of this energy, how to harness it and also where we can begin to connect to higher practices. When we look at the focus of non duality, what life force really means and how we connect to the idea of a greater force, a universal energy that supports every aspect of life.

Mantra was a big part of this retreat, with participants learning the power pf freedom through chant, culminating in our amazing kirtan with Rajesh and Upasana. As always, I am ever grateful to the people who came, with open hearts and minds and threw themselves in to the weekend. We all felt the energy, warmth  and power of coming together with like minded souls to share.

My annual fundraiser is happening again at Avoncroft Arts Centre, this year I am raising money again for the Basement Project in Bromsgrove, which helps disadvantaged, homeless and vulnerable young people to find accommodation, and get themselves back on their feet. It also runs an amazing foodbank which supports many families locally. I am also donating some of the funds raised to the British Heart Foundation as my partner was recently diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation, a very common and often undiagnosed heart condition.

Donations to the Basement Project can be made here:

Please come and join myself and all the regular yogis to have a wonderful yoga session, some laughter, some chat and of course, tea and cakes afterwards!

No need to book for this event, please come along and bring a friend, help me raise some much needed funds and awareness of these issues.




My time at Kindred Holistic Centre has been perfect, it came just at the right time 3 years ago when everything was closed, there were no in person classes and no where to teach from. Kelly Anne’s vision enabled us to come together and create a safe healing environment to encourage group participation after such a long time of being separated. I am very grateful that she asked me to join her so that we could come back to some kind of reality, even if a slightly altered one !

As we know things are constantly changing, it is my time now to create a space of my own in which to grow my vision, Savitriyoga has always been about using ancient and traditional Hatha yoga techniques to enable each individual to find their own healing journey. I will continue this in my new space, with an opportunity to create a brand new beginners yoga which I have not taught for a long time, to offer more spaces in the Improvers class and offer regular workshops, alongside visiting teachers. My vision is for it to be an outpost pf Mandala Yoga ashram, to share authentic teaching , in a safe and welcoming environment, where EVERYONE is welcome. I will also be part of a COMMUNITY INTEREST COMPANY where we can gain funding to offer classes and spaces to groups and individuals who would not necessarily access yoga/ meditation. Community well being is at the heart of this project, as we heal ourselves , we heal our families and communities , the whole world benefits.

I look forward to welcoming new and existing students in this exciting new venture. .

FIRST FLOOR 17-21 Worcester Road , Bromsgrove, B61 7DL.