y name is Jane Bishop, I have created Savitri Yoga after 32 years of practice and 22 years of teaching in Bromsgrove. I am a passionate yogini and live my life mindfully, with light in my heart.
Savitri (sa-veet-ri) is my spiritual name, given to me by my teacher Swami Nischalananda. According to Hindu legend, Savitri was the daughter of the sun god Savitir. She embodies warmth, humility, inner strength and power; her essence is the verifying energy of the sun.
My yoga classes are predominantly based in Bromsgrove although I am able to practice across the West Midlands. I share my knowledge with my students, continually exploring new aspects of the yogic traditions in order to deliver fresh and inspiring sessions.
My aim is always to teach from the heart, with the wisdom of the heart centre, the starting point of life and regeneration. Holding a space for my students to discover their own yoga journey; with compassion, warmth and joy.
I have classes to suit all levels and abilities. My approach is therapeutic; every person in the class will move differently, so I encourage exploration of movement through breath awareness. The sessions are always underpinned with deep philosophy to support the theme of the practice. If you have any questions about my yoga practice, would like to attend one of my weekly classes or book a one-to-one session in the comfort of your own home please get in touch.

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